24 Feb

Who does the CBC compete with?

<p><strong>By Jo-Ann Roberts</strong></p><p><img alt="" class="imagecache-medium inline-image" src=" LOGO_0.JPG" title="" /></p><p>There’s nothing like hockey to get your attention in this country. So now that we know CBC has lost the rights to NHL games, let’s talk.</p>

26 Sep

Union says Globe and Mail must stop blaming employees for financial troubles

<p>The union representing <em>Globe and Mail</em> employees said the company must stop pointing the finger at them for its financial struggles.</p>

29 Apr

Toronto Star union proposes new centralized desk to minimize page editor layoffs

<p>The <em>Toronto Star</em> union has put together a proposal which it says will avoid most layoffs and save the company 50 per cent more than contracting out editing services to Pagemasters North America.</p><p>The union presented its plan for $1.46 million in annual savings to management on Friday and are expecting a response Tuesday at 11:30 a.m, says union chair Stuart Laidlaw. A key component of the union proposal is the creation of one multimedia production desk that gets rid of department silos and creates a pool of paginators and editors for both pages and the web.</p>

21 Apr

Finalists for Michener awards: CBC Vancouver, Globe, LaPresse, Toronto Star, Victoria Times Colonist, Windsor Star

<p>The 2011 Michener Award for meritorious public-service journalism to be awarded on May, 10, 2012, includes <a href=""><strong>these finalists</strong>:</a></p><p style="margin-top: 12px; margin-bottom: 12px; "><strong>Canadian Broadcasting Corporation:</strong></p>

19 Jan

Toronto Star, union reach new agreement on outsourcing

The Toronto Star has reached an agreement with the Southern Ontario Newsmedia Guild regarding the union’s proposed alternatives to outsourcing. The Star will not be outsourcing its pagination and copy […]

11 Dec

166 staffers accept Toronto Star buyouts

About one month after the Toronto Star asked employees to consider voluntary severance packages, the newspaper announced that 166 staffers have applied and been accepted. In addition, the company laid […]

20 Nov

La Presse reaches deal with three unions

Montreal newspaper La Presse has reached an agreement in principle with three unions including the union that handles editorial and newsroom staff, CBC News reports. According to the CBC report, […]

9 Nov

Battle for presidency of FPJQ

The Fédération professionnelle des journalistes du Québec (FPJQ) is holding its annual conference starting Nov. 14 in Sherbrooke, Que. Along with seminars and professional development workshops, the conference also gives […]

3 Nov

[UPDATED] Toronto Star offering voluntary severance packages, layoffs likely

[Note: This post has been updated] The Toronto Star is “seriously considering contracting out segments of work” and is therefore asking employees to consider voluntary severance packages in advance of […]

29 Oct

La Presse reaches deal with some, not all, employee unions

Montreal’s La Presse has reached a deal with four of the eight employee unions it deals with, the newspaper announced. At the beginning of Sept., La Presse threatened to shut […]