Renée Lilley – 2022-23

2022 CJF-CBC Indigenous Journalism Fellow

by Renée Lilley

Headshot of Renee Lilley, a Metis woman with long, dark hair, wearing a black top.

Working with the team at CBC Indigenous was important to me and healing in a way. Though I’m so glad I’ve gained a lot of professional experience as a reporter, I’m even more grateful for the chance to connect to my Métis culture through this opportunity.

Before this, I’d say I wasn’t as connected to being Métis as I am now. Since I’ve started, I am continuously striving to know more about who I am, and working with the Indigenous unit and many mentors, including Ka’nhehsí:io Deer, Leonard Monkman, Francine Compton, Meagan Fiddler, and Marina Strauss has helped foster that curiosity and motivation to keep writing.

I’m glad to have reported on so many important issues within Métis politics, including issues related to identity and membership, as well as the overall political structure. Though I was already part of the Indigenous unit, it was exciting to be one of the first journalists to interview the newly elected Métis National Council (MNC) President Cassidy Caron about the Manitoba Métis Federation leaving the MNC. This served as inspiration for further exploration of what happens next in the realm of Métis politics.

I am proud to have accomplished this complex story, and I’m happy to be able to have this experience on my resume going forward.

To anyone who is interested in journalism or writing, I say go for it. We need so many voices, and yours is just as important as everyone else!


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ISABEL BASSETT, Former Minister of Citizenship, Culture and Recreation and former chair and CEO of TVO