Rahma Shafi – 2023

2023 CJF-CBC/Radio-Canada Black Women's Journalism Fellowship: Rahma Shafi
This opportunity has had a profound impact on my life. It has provided me with invaluable learning experiences, mentorship, and networking opportunities that have accelerated my growth as a journalist. Throughout the fellowship, I have had the privilege of working alongside seasoned journalists who have generously shared their expertise and insights. I have learned how to craft compelling stories, conduct thorough research, and navigate complex issues with sensitivity and nuance.
The fellowship has also given me the chance to explore different mediums of journalism, including broadcast, digital, and investigative reporting. One of the most significant aspects of the fellowship has been the mentorship. Having mentors who are dedicated to my growth and success has been incredibly motivating and has provided me with guidance and support as I navigate this industry.
The connections I have made through the fellowship have also been invaluable, as they have expanded my professional network and opened doors to future opportunities. Moving forward, the biggest learning from this fellowship has been the importance of representation and amplifying underrepresented voices in journalism.
I have witnessed firsthand the power of diverse storytelling and the impact it can have on communities. I am committed to continuing this work and using my platform to elevate marginalized voices and shed light on important issues.