Another Canadian journalist has been injured in Thailand’s capital while
reporting on the country’s anti-government unrest.

The Canadian Press reports:

“Foreign Affairs in Ottawa confirmed a Canadian was injured but did not provide an identity or further details, citing privacy law.

“However, media reports from Bangkok say a Canadian journalist was seriously wounded in a grenade blast in the latest violence that began when Thai troops stormed a protesters’ camp early Wednesday.

“The reports identify the Canadian as Chandler Vandergrift, who has been working as a writer, photographer, conflict-management consultant and blogger in Bangkok.

“Still photographs and video images from the scene indicated that the grenade that injured Vandergrift also wounded a Thai soldier. Various images show them lying on the ground and being carried away in stretchers.

“Japan’s Kyodo News Agency cited hospital officials in saying that Vandergrift was “in serious condition with head wounds from shrapnel.”