I wonder, writes Ryerson University online journalism instructor Leigh Felesky, what students are being told “journalism” is these days. Felesky lays out six skill areas that j-schools should focus on […]
READ MOREThis is a step by step guide from the BBC about how to produce digitial stories, which it defines as “mini-movies” or “short, personal, multimedia scraps of TV that people […]
READ MOREIf we create j-school curriculum based on secrecy, control and broadcast we’re not training students to lead, writes Wayne MacPhail, we’re teaching them to do what’s already been done, but […]
READ MOREA very gifted, very tech savvy and very generous multimedia professor has produced a 42-page guide to basic mutimedia skills for young journalists and made it available for anyone to download free, […]
READ MORETeaching j-students to use social media such as Twitter, Facebook, Linked In and You Tube, is something most j-schools are beginning to try, or at least consider. For those looking […]
READ MOREOne of the best sources of advice, links and lessons for anyone who wants to teach themselves or others to be better online journalists is the blog, Teaching Online Journalism, […]
READ MOREYou can find tutorials and tip sheets to teach yourself a variety of multimedia tools from making Google maps to telling stories with audio and video at a vareity of different […]
READ MORENew York University professor and PressThink blogger Jay Rosen led an online chat at Poynter recently to offer advice about to teach blogging and answer questions from educators about things […]
READ MORESuddenly, it seems, everyone is twittering. Or, if they’re not, they feel they should be. Journalists who first dismissed it as a useless time waster are now seeing it as a […]
READ MOREByAlfred Hermida Blogs have become part of the editorial furniture of most news sites. In the U.S., 95% of the top 100 newspapers feature reporter blogs. So it seems appropriate […]
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