25 Jun

Twitter rules for journalists? Here are 26 of Steve Ladurantaye’s

<p><strong>By Steve Ladurantaye</strong></p><p>Someone asked me if I had any guidelines for how I use Twitter, and I thought I could think of maybe five things that I believe to be true.</p><p>I’ve been on it for a few years now, and have made lots of mistakes. I’ve been boring, I’ve been funny, I’ve been not funny when I thought I was being funny, I’ve been argumentative, I’ve shared too much information, I’ve killed Gordon Lightfoot.</p>

9 Nov

Create and share audio clips the free and easy way

<p> </p><p>Using audio to tell a story is a great device for journalists. SoundCloud makes doing that a little bit easier. The international journalists’ network has compiled a list of <a href="">eight ways journalists can use SoundCloud</a> with examples for each.</p><p>Among them: posting news programming, reporting from the field, embedding audio onto websites, producing an audio roundup regularly, or even searching for sources.</p>

9 Sep

Required Reading

<p>Here's a great jumping-off point for working journalists, teachers, students or anyone who wants to build a library of excellent journalism manuals and reference books. This list includes books on topics ranging from ethics to investigative reporting to online journalism, as well as some recommended stylebooks and grammar manuals.<br /> </p>

1 Feb

International journalism awards

AAAS Kavli Science Journalism Awards Offered by the American Association for the Advancement of Science, this award is available for any piece of journalism that is published by a U.S.-based […]

14 Dec

Interview season

It’s getting to be that time of year again. Yes, put away those twinkle lights and nicely wrapped presents because interview season is just around the corner and you’ll want […]

2 Dec

The its/its conundrum

The difference between its (possessive) and it’s (contraction) is grammar 101. It’s child’s play. It’s the ham sandwich of gourmet grammar. And yet it is one of the most common […]

1 Dec

Who bit whom?

Does anyone really know the difference between who and whom? It seems these poor words have gotten a bad rap for being the most confusing and most  misused pair of […]

27 Nov

A quick guide to “affect” and “effect”

In the slippery world of “affect versus effect” many default to the “affect is a verb and effect is a noun” thought process. But both words can be used as […]

15 Nov

Apostrophes and you

The apostrophe is a tricky devil, arguably the trickiest bit of punctuation the English language offers. (And there are some doozies; semi-colons, anyone?) If you find yourself constantly second-guessing whether […]

3 Nov

Ryan Sholins advice to journalism students: master one “analog” skill and one “digital” skill

The web is taking over, no doubt, but it’s important to not put all your eggs in that basket and retain and hone some of the core journalistic skills you’re […]