7 Sep

Canadian University Press makes newswire public

For the first time in over 50 years, Canadian University Press’s members-only newswire service has been made accessible to the general public. Canadian University Press (CUP) has created a new […]

7 Sep

Building your personal brand: Not as challenging as you might think!

J-School has been back in session for approximately five hours, which means by my conservative estimate, you have probably heard the term “personal brand” dropped about 10,000 times. “Develop your […]

1 Sep

Beyond J-School

MediaShift has introduced a new series that will look at the current state of journalism school, and how journalism education is rapidly changing. It’s already become clear that a journalism […]

1 Sep

How to keep your cover letter out of the trash bin

Though summer internships are a while away, it’s important to keep your cover letter and resume fresh and current and, most of all, interesting, because when it comes to those […]

31 Aug

Google tips for journalists

Google has offered up some tips and tricks for journalists looking to get the most out of their Googling. These tips were discussed by Google experts at the AAJA conference […]

31 Aug

Traditional media gets second life

Traditional media are scrambling to create online communities. A report on who’s doing it right—and who’s doing it wrong. This week we feature Rodney Barnes‘ story from the spring issue […]

27 Aug

The Twitter school of editing

Twitter may be full of self-indulgence and self-promotion, but don’t knock what it can do for you as a journalist. Aside from Twitter’s almost magical ability to connect users with […]

27 Aug

J-school to close at one U.S. university

<p>The University of Colorado at Boulder is planning to shut down its traditional journalism and mass communication programs.<br /> <br /><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">In a statement on its website</a>, the university says it wants to consider, instead, a new interdisciplinary academic program of information and communication technology and has set up an exploratory committee to help it do that.<br />

27 Aug

J-School offers no job guarantees

A recent and successful Carleton journalism graduate says j-school has a lot to offer students these days, but not the one thing most of them want – a job in journalism.  […]

24 Aug

What is it with those 20-somethings? Seriously!

Aren’t you sick of being compared to a directionless couch potato? It seems like the new hot group to pick on these days is the 20-somethings, generally the just-finished-school-somethings. Apparently, […]