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24 Jul

Why are grants funding freelancers so vital?

<p><strong>By Julie McCann, Field Notes Editor</strong></p><p>In September 2012, Perth, Ont.-based independent reporter Ann Silversides spent three weeks travelling to communities in Nunavut investigating the territory’s health situation from the perspective of its nurses. A clear finding: there aren’t enough of them. And most striking for her: despite the fact that 86 per cent of the population is made up of indigenous people, nurses from the south receive minimal cultural orientation. “They are so understaffed,” she said. “It’s all so meager.”</p>

24 Jul

Julie McCann is J-Source’s new Field Notes Editor

<p><img align="left" alt="" class="imagecache-thumbnail inline-image" hspace="10" src=" McCann_0.JPG" title="" /><img align="right" alt="" class="imagecache-thumbnail inline-image" hspace="10" src=" Blanchett Neheli.JPG" title="" /><strong>By Bruce Gillespie, Editor-in-Chief</strong></p><p>I’m pleased to welcome Julie McCann as J-Source’s new Field Notes editor.</p>

24 Jul

Andrew Cochran to oversee implementation of CBC News strategy 2020

<p><img align="left" alt="" class="imagecache-thumbnail inline-image" hspace="10" src=" Cochran_1.JPG" title="" /><img align="right" alt="" class="imagecache-thumbnail inline-image" hspace="10" src=" Wilson.JPG" title="" /><strong>By Tamara Baluja, Associate Editor</strong></p>

24 Jul

Quel est l’impact de la collecte de données sur la qualité du journalisme?

<p><em>Par Ira Basen, éditrice de Future of News</em></p><p><em><a href="">Traduction d’un article publié initialement sur J-Source le 21 mai 2014</a></em></p><p>Que diriez-vous si vous saviez que quelqu’un surveille le temps ça vous a pris de lire une histoire sur votre site internet préféré? Et que cette même personne sache sur quel appareil vous avez lu cette histoire, quel chemin vous avez parcouru pour parvenir sur la page et combien de fois vous avez déjà consulté ce site?</p>

24 Jul

Shauna Rempel joining Global News as social media strategist

<p><img align="left" alt="" class="imagecache-thumbnail inline-image" hspace="10" src=" Rempel_0.JPG" title="" /> <strong>By Tamara Baluja, Associate Editor</strong></p><p>Shauna Rempel is joining Global News as its social media strategist in Toronto.</p><p>Rempel, who became the <em>Toronto Star</em>’s tech editor in June, had been the long-time social media editor for the newspaper.</p><p>Troy Reeb, senior vice-president of Global News, tweeted Rempel would join Global on Aug. 26.</p>

24 Jul

How do you know if you’re too close to your source?

<p><img alt="" class="imagecache-large inline-image" src=" working at computer_1.JPG" title="" /></p><p style="text-align: center;"><em>Photo courtesy of Michelle-Andrea Girouard</em></p><p><strong>By Lindsay Fitzgerald</strong></p>

24 Jul

Call for media participants in study about Paralympic Games coverage

<p>Researchers at McMaster University are carrying out a study to learn how media regarding the Paralympic Games is developed and what people think of these news stories and media that cover the Paralympic Games. </p>

23 Jul

Why are we journalists so wussy and disorganized?

<p><img alt="" class="imagecache-large inline-image" src=" Newsroom_3.JPG" title="" /></p><p style="text-align: center;"><em>Photo courtesy of Matt Meuse</em></p><p><strong>By Mary Agnes Welch</strong></p><p>Why are we so wussy and disorganized?</p>

23 Jul

Ex-journalistes passés en politique: pour en finir avec le devoir de réserve

<p><strong>Il n’est pas rare, à la veille du lancement d’une campagne électorale, de voir des journalistes vedettes se lancer en politique. D’autres se mettent au service d’un parti ou d’un autre tout en restant dans l’ombre, en s’occupant notamment des communications. Les uns comme les autres clament aujourd’hui leur bonheur de pouvoir sortir de leur devoir de réserve pour défendre leurs valeurs et leurs idéaux sur la place publique. </strong></p>

23 Jul

Toronto Star Master Glass: Alternate mounts

<p>In the newsgathering business, photographers must shoot in all types of lighting conditions, and often have only moments to capture the best possible shot. It requires skill and experience and knowing photography and lenses like the back of your hand. In this “Master Glass” series, <em>Toronto Star</em> photographers reveal how they do it: the settings, the angles, the lenses, the approach.</p><p>Here, videographer Chris So showcases a camera mount you have to see to believe.</p>