Controversial columnist Antonia Zerbisias joined the Toronto Star‘s team of feature writers, the Star reports.
She will no longer write a column for the Star. In her final column “My Canada includes war, environmental degradation and lost causes“, dated march 31, she informs readers that “P.S. This will be my last column for The Star‘s Living section. Thanks for reading, and for writing. Stay tuned for news of my next assignment for The Star.”
The release read:
“Zerbisias is a National Newspaper Award-winning columnist who has
covered media, Quebec politics and, most recently, social justice issues
for the Star.
“She is also a social media maven.
“Her media blog Azerbic plus her current blog Broadsides have broken new media ground for the newspaper, winning awards from her peers in Canada’s blogging community”
In article titled “Canada’s
left loses another radical voice“, National Post columnist Jonathan Kay admits that while he isn’t privy to inside info about why Zerbisias made the move, the self-proclaimed conservative columnist offers a few of his own reasons, adding:
“Either way, the death of Zerbisias’ column marks the latest step in a lengthy, decade-long trend in Canadian journalism: the demise of the hard-left columnist.”
Zerbisias’ Toronto Star bio hasn’t been updated to reflect the change yet. It reads:
“Antonia Zerbisias, columnist for the Toronto Star‘s Living section, has been telling people what she thinks ever since she could open her mouth. Her opinionating career dates back to Grade 9 when a cartoon commentary on a teacher resulted in her suspension from high school. The principal sent her home with a note calling her “rude, obstreperous and bold.” Her parents were neither amused, nor surprised. Once she was punished for being that way. Now she makes it pay. In addition to her Star columns, you can read Antonia – and talk back to her – on her blog Broadsides.” | |
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