Women’s Post publisher running for mayor of Toronto

Sarah Whatmough-Thomson, publisher of The Women’s Post, has announced she’s running for mayor of Toronto, CBC News reports.

Thomson is planning to leave her job as publisher at Women’s Post in order to focus on her bid for mayor.

She told reporters:

“We can watch as the spirit of innovation gets stifled by our politicians,” she said. “We can watch businesses relocate to other cities, taking our jobs with them. We can watch the slow construction of light rail lines hurt our local businesses and waste millions of our tax dollars. Or we can unlock a different future — a future of opportunity.”

Thomson started her media career with the Hamilton Examiner, which she launched and ran for five years before starting The Women’s Post in 2001.

She has run, unsuccessfully, for city council in Hamilton in the past. Of her bid to become Toronto’s mayor, she said:

“I don’t want to run on the basis that I’m a woman. I want to run on the fact that I have the skills needed and the vision to lead Toronto forward…I believe it is time to listen and build what the people want, instead of what the city planners want us to use.”