The Chronicle Herald, which won six gold Atlantic Journalism Awards, misspelled its own name in an article celebrating its accomplishments. Check out the image, courtesy of Craig Silverman at Poynter.

The Chronicle Herald, which won six gold Atlantic Journalism Awards, misspelled its own name in an article celebrating its accomplishments. Check out the image, courtesy of Craig Silverman at Poynter.

UPDATE: On Thursday, Metro Halifax reported that approximately 30 Chronicle Herald employees walked out as “collective 15 minute break.” 

“We’re entitled to our breaks, and we’ve decided to all come out together as a sign of solidarity because of a disciplinary action that has come down for a couple of our members,” Ingrid Bulmer,  president of the Halifax Typographical Union, told Metro. The free daily added "a source told Metro [that] management gave out disciplinary notices to some union members regarding a misspelled headline which appeared in Monday’s paper."