Have a question about digital journalism in the world of traditional media? Here's your chance to ask. Panel includes: Mathew Ingram, Senior Writer, GigaOM; Andrew Yates, Senior Producer of Social Media and Community, CBCNews.ca; Terry Weber, Reporter, GlobeandMail.com; Melanie Coulson, Senior Editor, OttawaCitizen.com; Christine Chubb, Reporter/Editor, CityNews.ca.

Have a question about digital journalism in the world of traditional media? Here's your chance to ask. Panel includes: Mathew Ingram, Senior Writer, GigaOM; Andrew Yates, Senior Producer of Social Media and Community, CBCNews.ca; Terry Weber, Reporter, GlobeandMail.com; Melanie Coulson, Senior Editor, OttawaCitizen.com; Christine Chubb, Reporter/Editor, CityNews.ca.

Follow the Tradigital live chat here on J-Source and submit your questions below. You can also submit your questions via Twitter using the hashtag #tradigital. Join us April 8, 10 a.m. – 11 a.m. EDT for the live discussion.