Peter Worthington died around midnight last night in a Toronto hospital but apparently we'll be able to see the last article he wrote – his own obituary – in tomorrow's edition of the 'The Little Newspaper That Grew' that he help start in 1971.

Peter Worthington died around midnight last night in a Toronto hospital but apparently we'll be able to see the last article he wrote – his own obituary – in tomorrow's edition of the 'The Little Newspaper That Grew' that he help start in 1971.

The day after the Toronto Telegram died in 1971, more than 60 staff including Worthington, Douglas Creighton and Don Hunt, founded the Toronto Sun. Over the years, Worthington became executive editor and editor-in-chief, as well as reporting and writing columns.

Worthington served in the Second World War and Korean War but after returning, became one of Carleton University's earliest journalism graduates. He stayed in the newspaper business his entire careers, although he tried twice to make the leap for politics, but failed, running for the Progressive Conservative Party. 

He won four National Newspaper Awards, a National Newspaper citation and was named to the Canadian News Hall of Fame.