Toronto Sun assigns three columnists to new roles

Effective Monday, three Toronto Sun columnists will take on new roles in a move that its editor said “will be terrific for our readers.”

Effective Monday, three Toronto Sun columnists will take on new roles in a move that its editor said “will be terrific for our readers.”

According to the Sun article, columnist Sue-Ann Levy will go to Queen’s Park to cover provincial politics. Levy has covered Toronto City Hall for the past 15 years and will replace Christina Blizzard who will become Sun Media and Toronto Sun’s senior Ontario writer. Former Toronto Sun editor-in-chief Mike Strobel, who’s listed as a general columnist, takes over at City Hall as the writer for Toronto.

“It’s never been more important to hold the government at Queen’s Park accountable for the management of the province,” said Wallace in the Sun, “and now we’ve got a dynamic pair of columnists in Blizzard and Levy to do that.” He added that it’ll be “fun to watch Strobel…skewer” Toronto politicians with his wit and experience.

H/T Steve Ladurantaye on Twitter

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