City Montreal added Catherine Verdon-Diamond, Laura Casella and Elias Makos to its Breakfast Television on-air team.

City Montreal added Catherine Verdon-Diamond, Laura Casella and Elias Makos to its Breakfast Television on-air team.

Verdon-Diamond takes on the role of weather and traffic specialist after a recent role as CBC News Montreal's weather host. Casella will be news producer and reporter and previously produced the Tommy Schnurmacher Show on CJAD 800, where she was also a reporter. Casella has also reported for CTV Montreal as a freelancer. Makos will be the new media producer and commentator and has reported on these topics for CTV Montreal and CBC Radio.

As J-Source reported, former diving star Alexandre Despatie and Joanne Vrakas were named hosts of Breakfast Television. The show is scheduled to air daily from 6 to 9 a.m. starting Monday, Aug. 26.