Student journalism and Occupy Ottawa

Occupy protesters set up camp in Confederation Park on Oct. 15, 2011, where they stayed until their eviction on Nov. 23. 

Here is some of the insight that Carleton journalism students brought:

On the first day, Victoria Abraham* and Loren Romei talked to organizers of the protests about what their goals are.

Occupy protesters set up camp in Confederation Park on Oct. 15, 2011, where they stayed until their eviction on Nov. 23. 

Here is some of the insight that Carleton journalism students brought:

On the first day, Victoria Abraham* and Loren Romei talked to organizers of the protests about what their goals are.

On the second day, Michelle Blanchard captured this audio slideshow of a march through the city. (Click multimedia once you've followed the link below.)

Ella Myers noted that as with any large-scale idea, action must be taken on a smaller scale in order to see it through.


A month into the movement, Occupy Ottawa held a rally.


*This story originally stated that Michelle Blanchard and Loren Romei produced the first video. In fact, Victoria Abraham and Loren Romei produced the video.