Dennis Skulsky, president and chief executive officer of Canwest
Publishing is resigning effective April 30, 2010, Canwest has announced.

Skulsky became CEO in May 2006 after spending six years as president
and publisher of the Pacific Newspaper Group, which includes the Vancouver
and The Province. According to the company, he will continue to lead Canwest LP’s newspaper
and other publishing operations and participate in its ongoing financial
restructuring efforts until April 30. He will also be
an adviser to Canwest’s board of directors and senior
management until the end of August.

Canadian Press reported
that, in a memo to staff, Skulsky

“‘This was a very personal decision and one
that I made with my closest advisers’, citing among other things a
serious health scare in his family in the past year as well as the birth
of his first grandchild.

“‘The decision I have made
is not a signal of any change of strategic direction for the publishing

“‘I will be fully engaged in our
operations and the financial restructuring process until the end of
April. After that, I will continue to provide advice to the special
committee and senior management team until the end of August.'”