The Canadian Journalism Foundation (CJF) is currently accepting proposals to support the design elements for its 2024 awards ceremony.
The CJF Awards are an annual event recognizing and rewarding excellence in Canadian journalism. The event typically welcomes more than 500 journalists, media executives and luminaries, and business leaders from across Canada.
Our organization is headquartered in Toronto, Canada.
Proposal Guidelines
This Request for Proposal represents the requirements for an open and competitive process. Proposals will be accepted until 5 pm ET on October 7. Any proposals received after this date and time will be returned to the sender. All proposals must be digitally signed by an official agent or representative of the company submitting the proposal.
If the organization submitting a proposal must outsource or contract any work to meet the requirements contained herein, this must be clearly stated in the proposal. Additionally, all costs included in proposals must be all-inclusive to include any outsourced or contracted work. Any proposals which call for outsourcing or contracting work must include a name and description of the organizations being contracted.
All costs must be itemized to include an explanation of all fees and costs.
Contract terms and conditions will be negotiated upon selection of the winning bidder for this RFP.
Please refer any questions to Jennie Worden, Program and Communications Manager