Have they called a truce, or will this prove to be just a momentary cease-fire in the feud between the two broadcasters?

Have they called a truce, or will this prove to be just a momentary cease-fire in the feud between the two broadcasters?

Quebecor Media and Société Radio-Canada have come to terms on an agreement that will see a renewal of Quebecor’s Videotron distribution of CBC/Radio-Canada specialty channels as well as something new: Radio-Canada advertising in Quebecor’s French-language publications.

“We are happy to see that, by this agreement, Société Radio-Canada recognizes the value of our newspapers to achieve its objectives as a public broadcaster," said Pierre Karl Péladeau in a statement. The President and Chief Executive Officer of Quebecor Inc., the parent company of Sun Media, has been a staunch critic of the public broadcaster’s advertising strategy in the past.

CBC/Radio-Canada President and CEO Hubert Lacroix had previously responded to Péladeau’s criticisms by saying Quebecor’s readers were not a part of Radio-Canada’s intended target audience, according to a recent article in The Globe and Mail.

When asked to elaborate on any specifics related to the new agreement, Quebecor vice president of corporate and institutional affairs Serge Sasseville said the company would be making no further comments today beyond the issued press release. CBC/Radio-Canada spokespeople had yet to respond at the time of publication.