We are grateful for the tremendous success that led to a sold out conference. But, we are the Online News Association, and we wouldn’t be who we are if we weren’t able to offer opportunities to participate without being there in person, so…..
Opportunity #1:
On Wednesday night, the opening night of the ONA conference, CBC News will be hosting a special forum in partnership with ONA called “The Future of the Future of News,” which we’ll be streaming live.
The CBC has launched an online discussion on the future of news you are all invited to post your thoughts: http://www.cbc.ca/futureofnews/
For those who are registered for the ONA conference this week, you are invited to come in person (Location and other details here http://journalists.org/2007conference/archives/000775.php).
If you can’t make it, you’ll be able to listen to the event, which we’ll be streaming live at cbc.ca/futureofnews at 6 pm Wednesday (and archived afterward).
The panel includes Andrew Keen (*Cult of the Amateur*), Leonard Brody
(NowPublic.com) and Rahaf Harfoush (*Wikinomics* researcher). CBC Radio’s Brent Bambury will moderate the discussion.
Opportunity #2:
ONA Blogging Ethics Wiki page
As more journalists take up blogs — for both professional and personal interests — newsroom are grappling with how to respond. If you are an editor trying to give your reporters clear boundaries for their blogging or if you are a blogger and want to make sure you stay out of trouble, both legally and professionally, join us for this discussion on blogging ethics. Together, we’ll craft ONA’s first set of guidelines to help newsrooms and bloggers, both affiliated and independent, avoid running into problems with their blogs. Conference attendees are asked to get permission from their companies to submit their blogging guidelines for this session or bring their own suggestions. Members can submit guidelines or suggestions at http://journalists.org/members/wiki/doku.php
Opportunity #3
Students to LiveBlog ONA Conference
21 Students from universities in the United States and Canada will be coming to the conference armed with laptops, digital cameras and video cameras.  Students will be providing multi-dimensional coverage of the conference, including:
*  Blogging about panels as they occur.
*  Providing video clips and video features.
*  Writing traditional news stories and features.
Starting on Thursday, please visit
Opportunity #4:
An audio CD complete with presentations will be on sale following the closing of the conference. We’ll post these details when we have them.
For further information contact
Online News Association
Phone: 646-290-7900
Email: lschwab@journalists.org