The National wins best newscast Gemini

CBC’s The National picked up the Gemini award for best television newscast in a ceremony in Toronto on Oct. 20. The newscast anchored by Peter Mansbridge also took won for best reportage.

Reporters Adrienne Arsenault, Richard Devey, Ian Kalushner, Udi
Kivity and Same Shalabi won for best news magazine segment
for “Moshe and Munir.” In addition, the CBC’s Fifth Estate was named best information series, and host Hana Gartner was named best host or interviewer in a current affairs series.

Don Newman, a longtime CBC reporter and current senior parliamentary editor was awarded the Gordon Sinclair Award from the Academy of Canadian Cinema and Television, which is given for outstanding contribution to Canadian television journalism.

According to CBC, in June 2006, CTV News said the nomination process was too much work and it announced it would no longer nominate its news programs for the Gemini Awards.

Read the full list of winners here.