As Canwest stock continues to tumble, the National Post has discontinued its weekend Toronto insert, according to a post on the Canadian Magazines blog.

D.B. Scott writes:

“While it falls somewhere outside my definition of a “magazine”, being
really a newspaper tabloid section, it nevertheless is an unhappy
indicator when the floundering National Post discontinues its Toronto
magazine section. Yesterday’s issue was the last and whatever is
salvaged from the section will now be subsumed in the main, broadsheet
pages of the weekend paper…The Toronto section had
dwindled in any event; this most recent change will reduce three
magazine-style features in Toronto to only one in the main paper.
Whether the other, shorter items, many of which were a steady market
for Toronto-based freelancers, will survive I don’t know. I suspect
that many readers flipped into the magazine section, in any event, to
read Shinan Govani’s gossip and the shopping stories (what newpapers
insist on calling “style”). That will continue, anchored in a new place.”