The Gazette‘s Josee Legault remembers former Gazette political columnist Ed Bantey today, on the ten year anniversary of his death.

Bantey was known by many as the paper’s “separatist columnist,” but Legault points to his “mix of multiple identities” and his “socially progressive views he defended all his life and which he saw as another possible bridge-builder between the nationalist movement and the more left-leaning anglos of Jewish and other origins.”

Legault writes:

Bantey was a passionate Quebecer and an internationalist who never lost his sense of frustration at how francophones are portrayed in the English-language media as less tolerant. So he worked tirelessly to give a more just vision of reality, but also to call for mutual respect and for the PQ brass to recruit more members of the cultural communities.

…And yes, every Sunday, I miss his Gazette column, too.