ProjetJ, the French-language sister site of J-Source, will have a new Editor-in-Chief, Michel Dumais, as of this coming May 1st.
A fiercely independent journalist for over 15 years, and a columnist and collaborator in all media types and formats (see biographic note below), Michel Dumais is particularly interested in the social and economic impact of technology. He will bring his expertise to ProjetJ, coupled with an approach that is both critical of and integral to the practice of the profession, driven by his experience on the field and his vast reading.
He is the perfect individual to lead complex debates about modern journalism and be a part of its metamorphosis over the coming years, both regarding new and traditional media.
In the coming months, Michel Dumais will especially focus on the transition of the current editing team and will recruit new collaborators for the site. He will also supervise the work of a full-time journalist (the position will be posted shortly).
ProjetJ, which launched in 2007, enjoys the financial and logistic support of the Canadian Journalism Foundation and relies on the contribution of several institutions and partner organizations.
Biographical note:
For over 15 years, Michel Dumais has been a columnist on new technologies. An experienced observer, he has published his thoughts in various types of media, such as Le Devoir, le Soleil, Le Droit, Voir, Actualité, Les Affairs, as well as other Quebec-based magazines and daily newspapers. He was also editor of the business information site Béné for 2 years. Furthermore, he contributes regularly as an expert in electronic media. He has been a team member of the following radio broadcasts: Radionet, Demain la veille and Clair et Net.
A columnist in the prestigious magazine Forces, in the media information blog, MediaBiz, and in the radio information broadcast, “La presse dans tous ses états”, Michel Dumais is particularly interested in the social and economic impact of technology. He has also worked on the development of the Cedrom-Sni Eureka and Québec-Science Cybersciences platforms. Before devoting himself to writing and to radio, Michel Dumais worked in professional audio and was a pioneer in digital audio. Emerging from the graphic arts environment, Michel Dumais was part of the “good old times” of the printing world, as linotype-press operator.
He is currently the presenter, director and producer of the weekly program CitoyenNumé broadcast on CIBL 101.5 FM, the only broadcast devoted to the socioeconomic impact of technology, in addition to writing for several information portals.
Grumpy, Marxist (as in Groucho), Michel Dumais considers himself a perfect digital immigrant.
LISTEN to an interview with Michel (in French).
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