Memo: Update on APS Collective Agreement

July 10, 2013 – CBC/Radio-Canada and the Association of Professionals and Supervisors (APS) have signed a Memorandum of Agreement, tentatively agreeing to a new Collective Agreement.

The three-year agreement falls within the framework provided by the CBC/Radio-Canada's Board of Directors. The agreement, which will run from July 1, 2013 until June 30, 2016 was reached after two months of intense negotiations.

July 10, 2013 – CBC/Radio-Canada and the Association of Professionals and Supervisors (APS) have signed a Memorandum of Agreement, tentatively agreeing to a new Collective Agreement.

The three-year agreement falls within the framework provided by the CBC/Radio-Canada's Board of Directors. The agreement, which will run from July 1, 2013 until June 30, 2016 was reached after two months of intense negotiations.

Both parties should be proud of the results. Issues were presented in a respectful manner, which paved the way for open dialogue. The end result is an agreement that is in the best interests of all.

The CBC/Radio-Canada team, led by Dezi Singh, Senior Manager, Industrial Relations, was made of up Pauline Malley, Sylvain Perras, Luc Sauvageau and Sarah Turner. The APS team, led by Mario Poudrier, National President, was made up of Andy Libby, Stéphane Désautels and Claude Beausoleil.

There are more than eight hundred (800) APS employees scattered across the country, with the highest concentration of members in Toronto, Montreal and Ottawa.

A ratification date will be announced shortly.

The bargaining committees for CBC/Radio-Canada and the Association of Professionals and Supervisors (APS)