Office of the Publisher
Date: August 29, 2013
To: All Staff
Office of the Publisher
Date: August 29, 2013
To: All Staff
From: John Cruickshank, Publisher, Toronto Star
Starting on Monday, September 16, the Star will reduce slightly the width of the printed newspaper as part of our ongoing efforts to reduce our operating costs. Under this initiative, the width of every page will be reduced by approximately five per cent. The depth of each page will remain the same. The pages will be produced as normal in our editorial and advertising departments and then reduced during the production phase at the Vaughan printing plant.
Employees at both One Yonge and the Vaughan plant have worked hard to develop the new size format. We have conducted extensive tests and are confident the quality of the newspaper and the reading experience of both our subscribers and our advertisers will not be affected because the reduction is so slight.
As you are aware, newsprint is one of our major operating costs and like all businesses we are constantly seeking ways to control our expenses. This program will represent significant cost savings for the Star in the months and years ahead.
In reducing our page width, the Star is following the recent examples set by other major daily newspapers. Last year, the Globe and Mail reduced both the width and depth of its pages and later this fall the National Post will be reducing its page size.
I would like to thank all of the staff members at the Vaughan printing facility and at One Yonge who have worked together on this program, which is an integral part of our goal of ensuring a healthy financial future for the Star.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact either myself or Sandy Muir, our vice president of advertising. | |
77 Bloor St. West, Suite 600, Toronto, ON M5S 1M2 | |
(437) 783-5826 | |
Charitable Registration No. 132489212RR0001 |
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