Media History Monographs

Media History Monographs (MHM) is an online journal devoted to publishing historical scholarly works which are too long for regular journal articles and too short for books. All articles are peer-reviewed and all methodologies are welcome. Media History Monographs was created to accommodate the increased study of history in the field of mass communications. MHM is a journal sponsored by the School of Communications at Elon University. It is supported by the American Journalism Historians Association (AJHA), the History Division of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), and the Listserv Jhistory at New York University. MHM is published in association with the American Journalism Historians Association. All information contained within articles published by MHM is copyrighted and owned solely by the authors of the respective works. Submission of a manuscript clearly implies it is not being considered for publication elsewhere, nor has it been published. Contributors should observe the following: Three copies of the manuscript must be submitted for the review process. Copies will not be returned. The author’s name and affiliation should not appear on the copies submitted. This information should appear on a separate cover sheet. The article title should appear at the top of the first page of the manuscript. An abstract of no more than 150 words should accompany the manuscript. Manuscripts should be between 25 and 40 pages in length, including tables. Manuscripts should be submitted with endnotes. Footnoted manuscripts will not be considered. Manuscripts should follow the guidelines of the Chicago Manual of Style. After the manuscript is accepted, the author must provide the editor with the manuscript on computer disk. Articles can be submitted in a Word Perfect, Microsoft Word, RTF or an ASCII text file. Either Macintosh or IBM platforms are acceptable.

Online Availability

Media History Monographs is free to all who wish to receive it. Individuals and institutions may download and bind issues for their convenience. Individuals and institutions may copy articles freely without permission of the journal or the author. Copies may be made for individual or classroom use. Volumes 1 to 8 are currently available for downloading in PDF format. An author index is also provided.


Manuscripts should be submitted to
David Copeland, Editor
Media History Monographs
School of Communications
Elon University
Campus Box 2850
Elon, NC 27244

Accepted manuscripts should be sent to
David Copeland, Editor
Media History Monographs
School of Communications
Elon University
Campus Box 2850
Elon, N.C. 27244