Masthead launches online publishing awards

Masthead Online has launched a series of awards highlighting excellence in online editorial and innovation by Canadian magazine and website publishers.

The contest is open to websites associated with print magazines, as well as online-only publications. There are ten categories, each divided into two divisions (one for consumer, custom, religious and public association publications; the other for business-to-business, professional association, farm and scholarly publications).

The deadline to enter is June 15 and all details can be found at the Canadian Online Publishing Awards website.

The categories are:

  • Best overall magazine website
  • Best overall online-only publication website
  • Best website design
  • Best news coverage
  • Best blog
  • Best video feature
  • Best community feature
  • Best online-only article or series of articles
  • Best cross-platform initiative
  • Best e-newsletter

On the decision to launch the awards, Masthead publisher Doug Bennet said:

“Canada leads the world in Internet usage and Canadian online editors, writers and designers are also world-leaders. We need to recognize and celebrate their work. We also need to bring that work to the attention of the larger media, to the advertising community, to governments and to readers everywhere. That’s why we’re excited by these awards and the prize packages we have assembled to promote Canadian online publishing excellence.”