I attended a great workshop at Wordstock on Oct 2. It was Writing on Different Platforms, led by Marissa Nelson.
Marissa is someone to keep tabs on. Here’s why.
The Toronto Star hired her in 2007 as a reporter and peer-to-peer trainer. In just one month on the job, Marissa helped bring the entire newsroom up to date. She played a crucial role in training the entire newsroom to use multimedia tools. She personally trained 40 reporters on how to shoot and edit video. Later she took her show on the road to The Hamilton Spectator, where she helped the newsroom develop a one-week immersion course on new media for reporters which was modeled on the one she developed for The Star.
She started her job as the managing editor of CBC.ca last Monday. Given her quick ascent at The Star, I’d wager she had a master plan for the newsroom before she even applied. I wonder what she’s got up her sleeve for the CBC.
Each of these platforms could be their own post — she covered a lot of territory in her workshop. We even learned she that she likes basketball, which makes her cool in my books (I forgive her for being a Raptors fan).
Here’s an overview of her presentation:
Making your content searchable
Choosing which social media tool to push your work
Other platforms to consider when covering an event
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