This now-familiar Internet meme seems to have started with the "Shit Girls Say" videos, which drew criticism for simply perpetuating gender-based stereotypes. But then all sorts of groups joined in. There was the inevitable "Shit Guys Say," the "Shit White Girls Say …

This now-familiar Internet meme seems to have started with the "Shit Girls Say" videos, which drew criticism for simply perpetuating gender-based stereotypes. But then all sorts of groups joined in. There was the inevitable "Shit Guys Say," the "Shit White Girls Say … to Black Girls," "Shit Yogis Say" and many, many more.

Now, journalists have joined in on the meme. David Ham, the reporter in this video, is a real-life reporter for ABC-affiliate WVEC13 in Virginia.

UPDATED: It appears the user has made the video private on YouTube, so the embedded video above will not work. Sorry about that, folks!