In response to the U.S. Federal Trade Commission, which said regulations
should change to reflect the challenges the internet poses to
journalism, Google said journalism should help itself, but hasn’t yet
done so. The FCC wrote about the policy suggestions in a paper titled “Potential Policy Recommendations to Support the Reinvention of Journalism.”
Google writes:
data suggest that publishers have yet to come close to maximizing
their ability to attract and keep users engaged with their online
Google also wrote:
“The news industry is undergoing significant changes that present a number of challenges and opportunities. Because quality journalism matters so much to our users and to society as a whole, Google is committed to helping news organizations develop innovative ways to serve consumers and foster revenue generation models that will sustain the continued vitality of the news industry. These models will succeed only if they meet the needs of two groups: Consumers looking for news that is relevant to them, and advertisers who wish to reach those consumers with information about their products or services. On the consumer side, Google makes it easy for users to find the news they are looking for and to discover new sources of information. In fact, Google works constantly to provide the most relevant information through Google Search, Google News, and other products. As a result, we send more than four billion clicks each month to news publishers via Google Search, Google News, and other products. That is, every minute we send approximately 100,000 visitors to news publishers around the world.” | |
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Founded in 1990, The Canadian Journalism Foundation promotes, celebrates and facilitates excellence in journalism. The foundation runs a prestigious awards and fellowships program featuring an industry gala where news leaders…
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