14 Jan

Farewell Kamloops Daily News, Hello future of newspapers

<p><strong>By Bill Tieleman, for <em><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">The Tyee</a></em></strong></p><p><img align="left" alt="" class="imagecache-medium inline-image" hspace="10" src=" Daily News_0.PNG" title="" /></p>

24 Jul

OPINION: Closure of community newspapers represents a darker and more serious trend

<p><strong>By J-Source innovation editor Robert Washburn</strong></p><p>On the surface, the closure of eight weekly community newspapers is cause for concern for those interested in serving rural Canada; but under further scrutiny, it appears the residents of these areas will continue to get their news from local sources.</p><p>Yet, digging deeper still unveils a more complex series of questions needing answers. These answers may hold the keys to resolving larger issues within the newspaper industry.</p>

13 Jun

Lindsay Post shuts down

<p>The <em>Lindsay Post</em> ceases publication on Friday June 14, the newspaper announced on its <a href="">website</a>.</p>

5 Jun

End of an era: Shocking amount of great talent leaves The Globe and Mail

<p><strong>By Dan Westell</strong></p><p>When J-Source published on May 31 the <a href="">list</a> of 64 <em>Globe</em> employees who are taking the most recent buyout, it forced me to recognize that my history with the paper was coming to a close.</p><p>I left in 1995 for what eventually tuned into a browner pasture at the <em>National Post</em>, but the newsroom where I grew up was the <em>Globe</em>’s in the 1980s. With the buyout, a core group of my contemporaries is leaving.</p>

30 May

The dinosaur age: Prince Albert Daily Herald News gets a new mascot

<p><img alt="" class="imagecache-large inline-image" src="" title="" /></p><p><strong>By Tamara Baluja</strong></p><p>Who says newspapers are like dinosaurs? The <em>Prince Albert Daily Herald</em> has brand new mascot, and yes, it is a dinosaur.</p><p>It’s evident the print industry is struggling to reinvent itself and find a way to generate revenue in the face of falling advertising doll and a greater push for online content. But still, an extinct animal for a mascot?</p>

28 May

Do ethnocultural newspapers have a future in Canada?

<p><strong>By April Lindgren</strong></p><p>If you walk for three short blocks along Bloor Street in my neighbourhood, just west of downtown Toronto, you can stop in shops and restaurants and collect more than 10 different newspapers in three or four different languages.</p>

17 May

Opinion: The National Newspaper Awards don’t reflect journalism in the digital era

<p><strong>By Melanie Coulson</strong></p><p dir="ltr">Gird yourself, I’m about to attack a Canadian journalism institution: <a href="" target="_blank" title="Honouring the best in Canadian Journalism since 1949" rel="noopener">The National Newspaper Awards</a>.</p><p>It has taken me a couple of weeks to write this post. No, scratch that. This has been years in the making.</p>

14 May

Paywalls rolled out across all Postmedia newspapers

<p><img alt="" class="imagecache-large inline-image" src="" title="" /></p><p>Postmedia Network rolled out online paywalls on all 10 of its dailies Tuesday, following a two-year pilot project.</p><p>The metered paywall will allow print subscribers unlimited access to their newspaper’s website. Canadian users without a print subscription will be able to access 10 free articles monthly while international readers can access five free articles.</p>

8 May

Newspapers Canada considering a national press council

<p><strong style="font-size: 10px;">By Tamara Baluja</strong></p><p>Newspapers Canada is considering a plan put forth by the Ontario Press Council to establish a national press council. The decision comes after a <a href="">Ryerson University study</a> on the state of press councils in Canada, which concluded the press councils were ineffective in their present form and did not meet the geographical and digital realities of the publishing industry.</p>

7 May

Copy editors: an endangered species?

<p><em>In an era when the Toronto Sun misspells "Correction" in a correction column, is there any hope for a revival of good copyediting?</em></p><p><strong><span style="font-size: 10px;">By Gin Sexsmith, for the<em> Ryerson Review of Journalism</em></span></strong></p>