Town Hall edited by Deb Jones
“On suing Maclean’s” — the Canadian Islamic Congress has complained to Ontario, British Columbia and the Federal Human Rights Commissions that Maclean’s published an “Islamophobic article” that “subjects Canadian Muslims to hatred and contempt.” I choose it because, quite simply, without freedom of expression, journalism cannot be done.

Ideas edited by Bill Reynolds
“The banality of spinning” — Kelly Toughill’s review of the CBC Radio series “Spin Cycle” is more ambitious than what we’re expecting from our columnists, but it sure sets a great standard.

First Person edited by Brian Gabrial and Linda Kay
“Field notes from Rwanda” offers us a unique perspective on a topic we would otherwise know very little about.

Events edited by J-Source staff
The CAJ’s Global Investigative Journalism Conference was probably the biggest event of the year in Canada.

Ask a Mentor edited by Rob Cribb
“Getting answers in a small town” is really comprehensive and the advice can be useful in various situations where people aren’t talking.

Tools for Reporters edited by Abby Goodrum
The pathfinders list has been recently updated with contributions from this semester’s class.

General Resources edited by J-Source staff
Alan Bass’ list of journalism feeds is a great one-stop shopping resource.

Ethics edited by Stephen J. Ward, Catherine Rolfsen and Sunny Freeman
The Pickton trial was the main focus of the ethics section this year.

Law edited by Dean Jobb
For me it’s the “responsible journalism” stuff.

Scholarly Research edited by David Spencer
The list of scholarly journals is self-updating and all the links have been recently checked.

Tools for Teachers/J-Schools and Programs edited by Mary McGuire
Touch choice, since there are so many teaching resources, but check out Ethical guidelines for editing audio. Also, our guide to choosing a j-school is useful to potential students.

Students Lounge edited by David Hutton
“Summer interns sprout, blossom, grow” is one I think deserves highlighting. As many students are currently covering Christmas at newspapers across the country Cam Fuller reflects on what it’s like from the perspective a long-time journalist.