J-Links for Aug. 16: Bell’s $80 million French-language investment; CRTC favours CBC in challenge; Reuters struggling


In Canadian media:

Bell responds to those against Astral takeover, especially Quebecor Inc.


In Canadian media:

Bell responds to those against Astral takeover, especially Quebecor Inc.

In a press release issued yesterday about BCE Inc.’s proposed Astral Media acquisition, BCE Inc. said it will invest $80 million in French-language programming in Quebec and expects to increase Astral’s spending on French-language content by 5 per cent. The release is in response to companies against the takeover, most notably Quebecor Inc. Cogeco Cable Inc., Eastlink and Quebecor Inc. launched a public campaign in hopes of rallying support against the move.

CRTC says CBC Music is fair after other broadcaster’s challenge

The CRTC has ruled in favour of the CBC after Stingray Digital Group Inc., a broadcaster that operates pay audio programming service, argued that CBC Music has an unfair advantage because of its government funding and different copyright licence fees. CBC Music provides free access to 40 web radio stations, on-demand music and online streams of CBC radio services and concerts. CBC said its private licence agreements are on competitive terms and pays copyright fees approved by the Copyright Board.

National Post’s tips to CBC for broadcasting next Olympics

The National Post’s Eric Koreen is offering the CBC, who has won rights to broadcast the 2014 and 2016 games, a little help: now that London 2012 has wrapped up, Koreen has written out a list of things the CBC can learn from coverage of this year’s summer Olympics. Some include: stay local and live, take advantage of social media and provide interesting context.


In international media:

Reuters struggles as its value shrinks

London’s The Independent reports that Reuter’s value is weakening and is experiencing an identity crisis.  The article blames the diminishing value of breaking news, the company’s financial customers’ cutbacks and the “mis-steps” that were made since the company was taken over by Canada’s Thompson Group in 2008.


Today’s read:

Marineland owner denies allegations of suffering animals

The Toronto Star reports that animals at Niagara Falls’s attraction Marineland are suffering. In interviews with eight former Marineland staff, the Star has learned that animals are becoming sick, suffer fur loss, skin damage and blindness due to recurring water problems and a lack of staff. Marlineland owners deny all allegations.