Remember during the federal election in May, when voters reported receiving “harassing or deceptive” automated phone calls pretending to be from Elections Canada that told them their polling station had been moved?  Postmedia’s Glen McGregor and Stephen Maher have reported that Elections Canada traced those phone calls to “an Edmonton voice-broadcast company that worked for the Conservative Party across the country.”

Remember during the federal election in May, when voters reported receiving “harassing or deceptive” automated phone calls pretending to be from Elections Canada that told them their polling station had been moved?  Postmedia’s Glen McGregor and Stephen Maher have reported that Elections Canada traced those phone calls to “an Edmonton voice-broadcast company that worked for the Conservative Party across the country.”

McGregor and Maher report that the call centre, Racknine Inc., worked for the Conservative Party’s national campaign and at least nine Conservative candidates, including Stephen Harper, though there was no evidence that the Prime Minister or any candidates were involved in the calls.

The RCMP is involved in the case as well, which has led the robocall affair to have drawn Liberal sponsorship scandal comparisons already. As Toronto Star’s Susan Delacourt notes:



Read McGregor and Maher's entire story here.