By Sylvia Stead, public editor of The Globe and Mail

KenKen will be back one week today.

When it first appeared in The Globe and Mail, it was described as “an addictive puzzle” and it turns out it was just that for many readers.

By Sylvia Stead, public editor of The Globe and Mail

KenKen will be back one week today.

When it first appeared in The Globe and Mail, it was described as “an addictive puzzle” and it turns out it was just that for many readers.

After a decision to delete the puzzle (and the horoscope and several other features) to save space for Globe journalism, I heard from more than 250 readers. The largest number and the most passionate writers were in favour of KenKen.

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Most of those who wanted the horoscope back understood that they could receive the same information for free online here. But a puzzle just can’t be done online and so print is really the only option. I’ve been told it is a good warm up to Sudoku, a great math puzzle and a wonderful and fun way to engage your children in math.

The Globe heard those arguments and decided to reinstate it. I hope readers will enjoy their addictive fix in the mornings.

To continue reading this column, please go where it was originally published.