By Sylvia Stead, public editor of The Globe and Mail

I asked readers to be reporters for the day and offer (up to) five questions they have for Toronto Mayor Rob Ford. The questions were personal, political and some I haven’t included because they really should be directed instead to the police and the courts.

 By Sylvia Stead, public editor of The Globe and Mail

I asked readers to be reporters for the day and offer (up to) five questions they have for Toronto Mayor Rob Ford. The questions were personal, political and some I haven’t included because they really should be directed instead to the police and the courts.

Under the personal, here are a few:

“Why, Why, Why?”

“Who is your personal trainer?”

“How often have you taken Oxycontin? (The same question was asked about other drugs as well including marijuana and crack cocaine).”

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“How often have you been drinking and driving?”

“Why is your brother Doug Ford at your side in interviews?”

“Why are you talking about yourself on so many interviews?”

“If Rob Ford worked for you, would you fire him if he didn’t resign? or just allow him to apologize and ‘move on’ with his job for a year?”

“What would your father have to say about all this?”


“Exactly how much money has he saved Toronto taxpayers, if any? He claims that he was elected to save people money and that he is doing just that. His claim that he has saved a billion dollars has not been backed up with any evidence.”

To continue reading this column, please go where it was originally published.

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