Former Ottawa Senator hockey player Alex Kovalev may have moved on to a two-year contract with the KHL, but he's not done with Ottawa yet. Kovalev gave an interview with Pavel Lysenkov of Sovetsky Sport recently and  had plenty to say about Ottawa sports journalists.

The Ottawa Citizen has a partial transcript posted online, which is worth checking out. Here's a taste:

Former Ottawa Senator hockey player Alex Kovalev may have moved on to a two-year contract with the KHL, but he's not done with Ottawa yet. Kovalev gave an interview with Pavel Lysenkov of Sovetsky Sport recently and  had plenty to say about Ottawa sports journalists.

The Ottawa Citizen has a partial transcript posted online, which is worth checking out. Here's a taste:

Q: What do you remember from your years in the NHL?

KOVALEV: A lot has happened — there were falls and rises … Sometimes you sit down and play back your career in your head. In principle, I am happy. And the fact I am criticized. There are different journalists. My opinion of Ottawa journalists is that they don’t watch hockey at all. When they fly with the team and go through the (metal detector) at an airport, their bags are filled with beer. You realize right away what these people do when they write about the NHL.

Let them make up nonsense about me. But I am happy with what I have done. I have played not for myself but for the team and fans. Teammates have never said a bad word about me. Fans are happy. I am approached on the street in Montreal, New York and told one thing: ‘Don’t take the bad to your head. We always support and love you. You’re the best.’

Words like that warm your soul.

Q: I can see that you are fed up with Canadian media.

KOVALEV: I am annoyed when people write (nonsense). Figuratively speaking, to earn half a hundred dollars they are ready to make up some garbage. But they show that they’re doing their job.

Q: I have heard you don’t read any sports media. Is this true?

KOVALEV: Only sometimes. If you’re interested in an athlete. Or you know the journalist who wrote something and who you trust. And in Ottawa they liked to channel their anger on hockey players. Regardless of how you played, they will certainly dump dirt on you and the team.