Former NFB president Jaques Bensimon has passed away

Jacques Bensimon, the former president of the National Film Board, has passed away at the age of 69. Bensimon was president of the NFB from 2001 to 2006, and produced, directed and wrote for several NFB productions between 1967 and 1987.

Jacques Bensimon, the former president of the National Film Board, has passed away at the age of 69. Bensimon was president of the NFB from 2001 to 2006, and produced, directed and wrote for several NFB productions between 1967 and 1987.

An article by Matthew Hays in The Globe and Mail yesterday explained that Bensimon took over the NFB, a government-funded organization, at a time when it was struggling to keep morale up after a series of budget cuts.

“My main objective was, as corny as it sounds, to be faithful to the spirit that [original commissioner John] Grierson had founded the NFB on: to produce, promote and distribute films about Canada,” Bensimon told Hays years ago, as Benismon’s term at NFB was ending.

To read more about Bensimon’s life and contributions, check out Hays’ tribute here.