Former CBC foreign correspondent Brian Stewart is the winner of the 2009 Ross Munro Media Award from the Conference of Defence Associations (CDA) in partnership with the Canadian Defence and Foreign Affairs Institute (CDFAI).

The award recognizes “Canadian journalists who have made a significant and extraordinary contribution to increasing public understanding of Canadian defence and security issues” and those who have “produced outstanding work regarding the efforts of the Canadian Forces in preserving Canadian democratic values.”

The award selection committee said of Stewart, in a press release:

“Brian Stewart has played a distinguished role in informing Canadians about their military and its actions at home and abroad, particularly the Afghan mission. A uniquely qualified multimedia professional noted for his personal courage, integrity and balanced insight, he has made issues of security and defence accessible to millions of Canadians and has contributed immensely to informed discussion of these vital subjects. He represents the best in the tradition of Canadian journalism, and is hence worthy of the Ross Munro Media Award.”

The award has been around since 2002 and is worth $2,500. Previous winners are Stephen Thorne, Garth Pritchard, Sharon Hobson, Bruce Campion-Smith, Christie Blatchford, Matthew Fisher and Alec Castonguay.