Eva Hoare, The Chronicle Herald

Eva Hoare, The Chronicle Herald

Original nomination:

Eva Hoare, The Chronicle Herald

Original nomination:

Eva, a former long-serving crime beat reporter, is a tenacious media veteran who still has a passion for exposing the truth and advocating for those who can't be heard. Since giving up the crime beat after 10 years at the Halifax Chronicle Herald Eva has moved from business, to investigative writing to general reporter. She also contributes a freelance fashion column to the paper. Eva is currently championing the story about the Nova Scotia Home for Coloured Children and the alleged abuses against black children and teens in the provincial care home. The RCMP and the Crown have said they don't have enough evidence to warrant charges against the alleged offenders. But that isnt' going to deter her. Eva Hoare not giving up until she is satisfied the former children of the home receive their due resolution.



No charges in N.S. Home for Colored Children case