A database full of creative interactive narratives, which the site defines as “informational and storytelling experiences designed and produced for the web.” They leverage great design, visual journalism and rich-media […]
READ MOREMore from the Online Journalism Review about launching online journalism courses at the university level, which includes interviews with Canadian as well as American instructors.
READ MOREThe Online Journalism Review published a list of resources for teaching online journalism in 2004, which includes a links to course syllabi, including Canadian ones.
READ MOREThis site offers a series of tutorials for journalists who want to learn how to produce stories in the field using audio, video, photos and web design tools. The detailed […]
READ MOREEach year the Online News Association and the USC Annenberg School for Communication issue awards in a wide range of categories honoring excellence in digital journalism. The link above provides […]
READ MOREThis website provides a well organized list of useful resources and tip sheets for writing and producing journalism for presentation online. It’s put together by Mindy McAdams, who teaches online […]
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Founded in 1990, The Canadian Journalism Foundation promotes, celebrates and facilitates excellence in journalism. The foundation runs a prestigious awards and fellowships program featuring an industry gala where news leaders…
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