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READ MORE<p><img align="left" alt="" class="imagecache-medium inline-image" hspace="10" src="http://j-source.ca/sites/www.j-source.ca/files/imagecache/medium/images/Sports_2.JPG" title="" /></p><p><strong>By Alex Chippin</strong></p><p>In school, an “A” is a great mark. In the workforce, that’s the standard. Therein lies the greatest difference between the two worlds.</p>
READ MORE<p><strong>By Tamara Baluja, Associate Editor</strong></p><p>The Canadian University Press (CUP) has launched a <a href="http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/keep-cup-strong?show_todos=true" target="_blank" rel="noopener">fundraising campaign to raise $50,000 to save itself</a>. The newswire in dire financial straits, and if the money cannot be raised by April 13, it will likely shut down.</p><p><iframe allowfullscreen="" height="275" mozallowfullscreen="" src="//player.vimeo.com/video/87839890" webkitallowfullscreen="" width="500"></iframe></p><p><em>Video courtesy of CUP</em></p>
READ MORE<p><img align="left" alt="" class="imagecache-medium inline-image" hspace="10" src="http://j-source.ca/sites/www.j-source.ca/files/imagecache/medium/images/CUP_0.JPG" title="" /></p><p><strong>By Tamara Baluja, Associate Editor</strong></p><p>The Canadian University Press (CUP) will lay off 12 part-time staff effective March 1.</p>
READ MORE<p>Dear CUP members,<br /><br />I’m sorry to inform you that CUP is no longer able to employ its part-time staff for the duration of this academic year. Effective March 1, 2014, our 12 current part-time staff will be laid off from their jobs.<br /><br />This decision was not taken lightly by the CUP Board of Directors and it is not a reflection of the time, energy and commitment our staff demonstrated consistently throughout this year. The decision was based solely on CUP’s dire financials, which constitutes a state of emergency for our organization.<br />
READ MORE<p><img align="left" alt="" class="imagecache-medium inline-image" hspace="10" src="http://j-source.ca/sites/www.j-source.ca/files/imagecache/medium/images/Concordian_0.JPG" title="" /></p><p><strong>By Laurent Corbeil Bastien</strong></p><p><em>The Concordian</em>, a student newspaper at Concordia University, issued an apology after one of its news editors, Tim Weynerowski, was accused of plagiarizing an article on the Quebec government’s charter of values from the Canadian University Press (CUP).</p>
READ MORE<p><img alt="" class="imagecache-large inline-image" src="http://j-source.ca/sites/www.j-source.ca/files/imagecache/large/images/Brunswickan-2.PNG" title="" /></p><p><strong>By Tamara Baluja, Associate Editor</strong></p><p><em>The Brunswickan</em>, a weekly campus newspaper for the University of New Brunswick, has received a reprieve that will allow it to resume printing hard-copy editions—at least for the next five weeks. </p>
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