30 Mar

Deadline approaches for j-student and j-prof awards

The deadline for two RTNDF awards are just days away. The Association of Electronic Journalists offers nine scholarships to j-students. It also awards the Michael Monty Memorial Award to a […]

25 Mar

Dictionary’s newest additions: OMG, LOL, <3

<p>Did you know that the first use of OMG was actually in a letter from 1917? And that in the 60s, LOL meant "little old lady"? The word nerds at the Oxford English Dictionary do.<br /><br />The dictionary's newest edition, out online today, includes pre-teen shorthand OMG (oh my god/gosh/goodness!) LOL and the symbol for heart (<3). The OED's site explains that, in using these words:<br />

23 Mar

10 tips for photojournalist portfolios

Photojournalist Peter Power offers 10 helpful portfolio-building tips for aspiring photojournalists.

16 Mar

Need a source? 5 online resouces

<p>Five websites offer time-strapped journos quick access to sources,<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> The International Journalists' Network</a> (IJN) reports.<br />

15 Mar

Standing on the shoulders of a giant: George Bain, Canada’s first national affairs columnist

The uncompromising legacy of George Bain, Canada’s first national affairs columnist. This week we feature Iain Alec Bain’s story from the winter issue of The Ryerson Review of Journalism. By […]

15 Mar

Lost and bound: literary journalists turn to books

Now that literary journalism is all but gone from magazines, many writers are choosing to walk a perilous tightrope to books. Good luck with that. This week we feature Meghan […]

14 Mar

How to land a job at the Toronto Star’s radio room, by a former Star intern

Fabiola Carletti is in the West Coast working on her master’s degree at the UBC School of Journalism, but she spent last summer working in the Toronto Star‘s radio room — just one […]

3 Mar

J-student inundated with job offers after resume ends up on The Huffington Post

Like any ambitious j-student on the cusp of graduation, Chris Spurlock was hunting for jobs and trying to make a name for himself. Until one day fame fell into his […]

1 Mar

How a j-student broke the Bev Oda “not” story

<p><span style="font-weight: bold;">By Chantaie Allick</span><br /><br />Few people in the media know that the firestorm that has engulfed Bev Oda began, in part, as the result of the reporting efforts of a graduate student  at Carleton University.<br /><br /><img align="left" alt="Bev Oda memo" border="0" hspace="5" src="" title="Bev Oda memo" vspace="5" /></p>

1 Mar

“Why didn’t you tell me this before?” Why j-schools need risk & trauma training

Megan Radford (pictured below) is a graduate journalism student at the University of Western Ontario — she’s already undertaken an internship in Malaysia and covered the G20 protests in Toronto. […]