7 Sep

Just another schmuck with a camera

<p><em>To celebrate our new partnership with the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>Langara Journalism Review</strong></a>, an all-journalism publication from B.C.-based Langara College's j-program, we're featuring the 2011 cover story on photojournalist Andy Clark. Clark may say he's just another schmuck with a camera, but as Langara writer <strong>Leasa Hachey</strong> writes, he also gets the shot nobody else does.

7 Sep

Brought to you by J-Source: The top 27 books every j-student should read

<p><em>After you're done checking out all the sites on our primer, take a break from the web, and get back into school-mode with a good book. We asked J-Source readers for their picks then added a few of our own. You'll find some old staples on the list, some new, and, even better, some Canadian. Tell us what we missed and we'll mark it as a new addition and add it to the list.</em></p>

1 Sep

Carleton’s Rwanda Initiative ends

<p>An exchange program that allowed many Carleton University journalism students to do internships in Rwanda over the last five years has been suspended.</p><p>The <a href=""><em>Ottawa Citizen </em>reports that the program known as the Rwanda Initiative was suspended for lack of funds</a>.</p>

3 Aug

Thumbs down

<p><em>Some traditional critics would have you believe the Internet is an intellectual wasteland. <a href="">Ryerson Review of Journalism</a> writer <strong>Ava Baccari</strong> tells us why they are so wrong.</em></p><p> </p>

12 Jul

RRJ wins big

<p><span style="font-style: italic;">The </span>Ryerson Review of Journalism<span style="font-style: italic;"> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">won multiple awards</a> at the recent annual Association for Education in Journalism Mass Communication's Student Magazine Contest. In addition to placing top in the single issue category, three articles from the Winter, 2011 issue also won (two firsts and a second) -- as well as two articles in the Summer, 2011 issue (two third places). Haven't picked up a copy yet?

28 Jun

One j-student explains why she will no longer work for free

<p><span style="font-style: italic;">It's time for media companies to stop offering unpaid internships, says a journalism student, </span><strong style="font-style: italic;">Bethany Horne</strong><span style="font-style: italic;">. The only students who can afford to work for free the summer, she says, are those lucky enough to come from families with money. That's no way to bring diverse voices or fresh perspectives into a newsroom. </span><br />

28 Jun

War Torn

When foreign lands fall into chaos. In this memoir, Ryerson Review of Journalism reporter Vesna Plazacic asks why her younger self blamed Canadian media for failing to fully expose what […]

24 Jun

One journalist scorns the advice that j-students should “brand” themselves

<p>A journalism student who wrote to a Washington Post columnist recently to ask how he built his "personal brand" got a very public and provocative response. Gene Weingarten wrote a column condemning the way "branding" is ruining journalism and criticizing the professor who issued the assignment.</p><p>"The best way to build a brand is to take a three-foot length of malleable iron and get one end red-hot. Then, apply it vigorously to the buttocks of the instructor who gave you this question. You want a nice, meaty sizzle," he wrote.</p>

21 Jun

Echoes of a Proud Nation: full documentary

Reporting within a small community presents its own challenges, but media in the Mohawk community of Kahnawake face a much larger, longstanding conflict with neighbouring Francophone media. The community of […]

14 Jun

Do anchors still matter?

Ryerson Review of Journalism writer Jenna Wootton looks into the real meaning of Dawna Friesen, Global National‘s news anchor — and the host of tonight’s Canadian Journalism Foundation’s 14th Annual […]