<p>The deadline to apply for the <a href="http://www.ap.org/company/careers/news-internship">Associated Press Global News Internship Program</a> for summer 2013 is January 16. The 12-week paid internship will include creating news in multimedia platforms and "stories may be featured in media outlets around the world."</p><p>Interns may be placed in the United States or in cities around the world including London, Mexico City, Rome, Tokyo and more. The internship starts in June and is open to current students as well as recent grads. Up to 20 interns will be selected. </p>
READ MORE<p><iframe frameborder="0" height="800" src="http://embed.scribblelive.com/Embed/v5.aspx?Id=77343&ThemeId=4601" style="border: 1px solid #000" width="600"></iframe></p>
READ MORE<p><em>When Concordia University’s student newspaper, </em>The Link<em>, makes shocking revelations through investigative work, the impact spreads past campus borders and into the community at large.</em></p><p> </p><p>“Why the hell didn’t I know about this?”</p>
READ MORE<p><em><strong>Stephanie Maris</strong> is the editor of the Winter 2013 issue of the <a href="http://rrj.ca/rrj2/Default.aspx" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Ryerson Review of Journalism</a>. Here, she talks about what it was like heading the masthead of an esteemed student-published journalism magazine, what we can look forward to in the upcoming issue, and how the RRJ is celebrating its 30<sup>th</sup> anniversary. </em></p><p><br /><strong>By Stephanie Maris</strong></p>
READ MORE<p>Applications are now open for <a href="http://www.google.com/get/journalismfellowship/">Google's 10-week journalism fellowships</a> for the summer of 2013. The fellowships are targeted at tech-minded journalism students, but students from any major with the right qualities are encouraged to apply.</p><p>The breakdown of the 10 weeks is:</p>
READ MORE<p> </p><p><em>Lauren Waldhuter is a journalism student at the University of South Australia who just completed a semester-long exchange at Ryerson University. Here she talks to <strong>Eric Mark Do</strong> about the experience and some of her observations on the programs, as well as the similarities and differences in journalism that she sees.</em></p><p> </p><p><strong><em>First, on Australian media…</em></strong></p>
READ MORE<p> </p><p><strong>By Katie Starr</strong></p><p>As j-school students we know our future jobs as journalists carry risks, both physical and emotional. And in the first six months of the program here at Western University, I’ve learned you don’t need to travel halfway across the world to experience the risks that come along with being a journalist.</p>
READ MORE<p> </p><p>Using audio to tell a story is a great device for journalists. SoundCloud makes doing that a little bit easier. The international journalists’ network has compiled a list of <a href="http://ijnet.org/stories/eight-ways-journalists-can-use-soundcloud">eight ways journalists can use SoundCloud</a> with examples for each.</p><p>Among them: posting news programming, reporting from the field, embedding audio onto websites, producing an audio roundup regularly, or even searching for sources.</p>
READ MORE<p style="margin-left:4.5pt;">Application deadlines are looming for a number of job and internship programs at major media organizations across the country. We've rounded up some of them here, ordered by application due dates. Any programs we missed? Please add them in the comments below. </p><p style="margin-left: 4.5pt;"> </p><p style="margin-left:4.5pt;"><strong>Organization: Google</strong></p><p style="margin-left: 4.5pt;">Due date: January 31, 2013</p><p style="margin-left: 4.5pt;">Looking for: Students for its Summer 2013 Journalism Fellowships</p>
READ MORE<p> </p><p>Student news organizations were among the <a href="http://j-source.ca/article/winners-2012-copas-announced">winners at this year’s Canadian Online Publishing Awards</a>.</p><p>Here’s the work that they were recognized for:</p>
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Founded in 1990, The Canadian Journalism Foundation promotes, celebrates and facilitates excellence in journalism. The foundation runs a prestigious awards and fellowships program featuring an industry gala where news leaders…
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