11 Sep

Back to school: Do students need a journalism degree? An examination of journalism education as an industry transforms

<p><strong>By Paul Fontaine</strong></p><p>As journalism students head back to the classroom, the debate over the value of a journalism degree rages on.</p>

10 Sep

Back to school: Want to work overseas? Do your research

<p><em>Many journalism students dream of working overseas, but <strong>Lily Martin</strong> turned fantasy into reality. How? Research. Here in J-Source she explains how being able to find people and information--especially through social media--makes you an asset abroad, and why you need to do your research before you pack your bags.</em></p>

9 Sep

Back to school: How to land a job out of j-school

<p><em>Wondering how to land a coveted job out of j-school? Here in J-source, CBC's <strong>Justin Grant</strong> explains how he went from the classroom, to an internship, to a job in a newsroom within weeks of graduation, and shares some tips on surviving in the real world.</em></p><p><img alt="" class="imagecache-large inline-image" src="" title="" /></p>

5 Sep

Back to school: Loyalist-Trent journalism program unveils its massive new newsroom

<p><em>Trent University and Loyalist College officially launched a news bureau Wednesday as part of a joint journalism program run by the two schools. Jane Harrison, director of special projects and former Dean of Loyalist’s School of Media, Arts and Design talked to J-Source's education editor Melanie Coulson about the new 10,000-square-foot newsroom in Belleville and the program.</em></p><p><img alt="" class="imagecache-large inline-image" src="" title="" /></p>

3 Sep

Carl Bernstein to speak at international investigative journalism conference in Winnipeg

<p>The University of Winnipeg and the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation are joining forces to organize an event in Winnipeg next June called: “Holding Power to Account: International Conference on Investigative Journalism, Democracy, and Human Rights.”</p><p>The CBC has a long tradition of creating important investigative journalism in Canada, and the University of Winnipeg has a special interest in fostering global citizenship and engagement in human rights. The conference will explore links between investigative journalism, democracy and international human rights.</p>

26 Aug

Opinion: We Need a Digital-First Curriculum to Teach Modern Journalism

<p><strong>By Cindy Royal, for <em>PBS MediaShift</em></strong></p><p>At the annual meeting of the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication</a> in Washington, D.C., earlier this month, one panel addressed adding programming skills to the curriculum: “<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Why All Your Students Must Be Programmers</a>.”</p>

20 Aug

Opinion: J-schools should innovate by prioritizing research and discovery instead of waiting for industry to dictate its needs

<p><strong>By Maija Saari</strong></p><p>The more things change in the media landscape, the more things stay the same. <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">The latest report</a> out of The Poynter Institute on the state of journalism education finds, yet again, a big gap between faculty and professionals in their assessments of the value of journalism education.</p>

16 Aug

Students worry about future of University of Ottawa’s journalism program

<p><strong>By Tamara Baluja, J-Source</strong> <strong>Associate Editor </strong></p><p>Several students from the University of Ottawa’s joint journalism program with Algonquin College are worried about their future. They told J-Source they feel their program has been discredited since the university suspended admissions to the program for this fall following a critical senate report.</p>

22 Jul

Enrolment in journalism programs increasing in a challenging media landscape

<p>Journalism jobs are constantly disappearing — as seen in Sun Media's announcement of 360 job cuts this week — but enrolment in journalism programs is still rising. </p><p>That's one of the takeways from a Worldviews conference session, where panellists debated the value of journalism schools. </p>

2 May

Western University accepting applications for CanWest Global Fellowship in Media

<p> </p><p>Western University is accepting applications for the <span style="font-size: 10px;">CanWest Global Fellowship in Media</span></p><p><span style="font-size: 10px;">Deadline: July 1, 2013 or until position is filled.</span></p>