International Links (6)
European Commission: Education and Training
News –
Reports –
The European Union’s education website’s best asset is a comprehensive list of the latest news regarding education in the E.U. Also includes contact information, press releases, and reports and studies on European education. The site has an impressive EU-Canada section that discusses specifically the partnerships and policies between the E.U. and Canada when it comes to education, which will prove invaluable to journalists looking to compare and contrast education throughout the world.
Education International
Resource Library –
Articles –
Research –
Representing more than 30 million teachers and education workers in almost 170 countries, EI is a plethora of holistic data that blends information on topics like professional ethics with issues like inclusive learning, peace education, gender and AIDS. With articles, publications, and a resource library, this is a wonderful source for contextualizing education into broader issues and topics.
The Journal of Education Leadership and Policy
This website is an electronic journal dedicated to international educational policy and leadership, with work that goes through a peer-review process. Subjects are related to a variety of disciplines and educational settings, as well as governmental policy initiatives since 2006. Sample articles include such topics as job satisfaction amongst Nigerian teachers and the rebuilding Afghanistan’s education system.
U.S. Department of Education
Press Room –
The United States Department of Education’s website provides the latest news and hottest topics regarding education in the U.S. It is a government website, and as a result there is a positive slant to the site, but it is still a valuable tool for journalists, with both a press room and publications sections and a state-by-state list of contacts.
UNESCO – the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
Statistics –
Toolkits –
Databases –
Education Journals –
With a wonderful collection of publications, statistics, and academic journals, UNESCO is a great source for international education information at a number of different schooling levels. Its databases are impressive, with country profiles and dossiers, and are also a great place to find other educational references and recent reports. Also noteworthy is an up-to-date news section.
World Education Services
A not-for-profit organization that provides credential evaluation for students, immigrants, overseas recruiters, academic institutions and licensing boards. Users who register can access the site’s databases, which grant access to grade conversion for higher education in more than 120 countries, country education profiles.
National Links (11)
Aboriginal Canada Portal – Education
Indian & Northern Affairs Canada, links:
List of schools –
Created through a partnership between the Canadian government and the aboriginal community, this portal provides education information directly tailored for aboriginal peoples. With lists of schools (from elementary to higher education), resources for teachers, financial education and training, the site supplies users with a uniquely aboriginal perspective towards learning.
Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada
Media Room –
The AUCC represents 92 Canadian colleges and universities. This site provides two valuable resources for journalists: an extensive media room and a publications and resources page that includes everything from fact sheets to a telephone directory for Canadian universities. The media room includes press releases, quick facts, searchable databases and contact information for the AUCC’s media relations department.
Canada Web Directory – Education
A web portal containing links directing users to 14 links that reporters will find highly relevant. With links guiding users to lists of Canadian schools, ESL in Canada, educational resources and Canadian databases (that users can access for a price), this umbrella site is a good starting point for general overviews of education in the country.
Canadian Home-Based Learning Page
A helpful website with comprehensive information concerning home-schooling resources, events, support and laws for each of Canada’s 13 provinces and territories. Other options include e-lists, groups, message boards and live chats for home-schooling parents, but the level of use in these areas is limited.
Canadian Information Centre for International Credentials
Foreign credential recognition fact sheets –
A unit of the Council of Ministers of Education, Canada, the CICIC website is good source on Canadian and international credentials. The website provides information on studying and working in Canada, as well as education both within the country and abroad. With fact sheets on foreign credential assessment and reports that talk about refugee qualifications, the webpage may be useful for users in a country with as high an immigrant population as Canada.
Canadian Safe Schools Network
Resources & Research –
Safe schools legislation –
Self-touted as the primary source for information and comment on youth violence issues of the day, CSSN is a good source for safety issues in Canadian schools. While the network runs its own safety programs, it also amalgamates safety research and has some useful statistics on Ontario elementary schools, with more than 36,000 student respondents.
On-line Tools –
This website provides students and parents with information on saving, planning and paying for education in Canada. Focusing on the economics of education, it includes links to the National Student Loans Service Centre, a loan repayment calculator and an events calendar. The site also provides a comprehensive list of online tools pertaining to education and finance in Canada and contact information for students’ assistance offices and financial institutions nationwide.
Council of Ministers of Education, Canada
Contact information –
Student assessments –
Research –
The Council of Ministers of Education (CMEC) was founded in 1967 to support and represent each province and territory as a whole on the national and the international stages. This bilingual site includes links and detailed contact information for all of the provincial and territorial ministries of education in Canada. It also provides international & national student assessments, and links to different international education documents, elementary, secondary & post-secondary education sites, plans & reports, and to different governmental language programs. The site also boasts a fantastic set of links to education-related research papers, with jurisdiction and school-level noted, under the GERN (Government Education Research Network) tab. Topics include aboriginal education, accessibility, demographics, early-childhood education, graduate studies, finance, assessment, indicators, school safety, students at risk, student health, technology and innovation, teacher education, and human resources.
Listings Canada – Education
The Listings Canada education web portal has an abundance of websites that users can navigate to explore education through different categories. Listings are sorted both by province and territory, as well as by such sub-categories as special education, tutors, religious and distance education, and student loans and scholarships. Users should note that what they gain in abundance may be lost in specificity, as not every website will be as relevant as others.
Statistics Canada – Education
Community Profile Search –
Surveys –
Education in Canada –
The country’s best source for statistics, Statistics Canada, has an excellent site for education. Here, one can find census information that deals with education, training and literacy. With surveys, statistics and conducts research and analysis, the site is an excellent starting point for journalists seeking numerical information. From the page, users can search community profiles that includes information on schooling and highest level of education (this information is currently only available for 2001 data, though the 2006 data will eventually be updated as well). The Education in Canada section contains information on school attendance and level of educational attainment.
Study Canada
In partnership with the Canadian Education Centre (CEC), this site provides information on educational institutions in Canada, from colleges and universities to summer camps and language schools. Citizens from countries around the world can use this site to explore their educational options in Canada and what the requirements are to live and study here. The site also includes links to dozens of school boards and schools, information about specific programs, an overview of the Canadian education system and scholarship information.
Alberta (2)
Alberta Education
News –
Current Initiatives –
This comprehensive government website is a useful tool for journalists who want to explore Alberta’s education system. It includes links to recent news, the office of the education minister, publications and current provincial education initiatives. Also available on the site are statistics and policy and legislation relating to education in Alberta. Journalists can research the variety of schools in the province and locate particular schools and their contact information.
University of Calgary – Faculty of Education
Research –
The University of Calgary’s faculty of education website is a good resource for journalists who want to explore the current news and research on education in Alberta. The site also includes faculty profiles including experts in everything from applied psychology and educational leadership to teacher preparation and educational contexts. Links to the school’s education centres and institutes (including the Centre for Gifted Education and the Centre for Leadership in Learning) are also featured.
British Columbia (3)
Achieve BC
Tools and Resources –
Also a government site, Achieve BC has a database that includes all of the 1,625 public schools in the province. The site also provides information on alternative schools, aboriginal and French immersion programs, and pre-school. There is also a link to FISA (The Federation of Independent School Associations), a group of independent schools in the province that are not owned and operated by the province. Achieve BC is a good resource for journalists who want to explore the diversity of educational programs in British Columbia.
British Columbia Ministry of Education
Media Room –
This government site provides information on the provincial curriculum and a variety of British Columbia’s educational initiatives, including provincial exams and healthy schools. The site features a media room that provides journalists with news releases, an events calendar, and contact information for ministry-related media inquiries. It also includes references for data on class sizes, funding, French immersion, students with special needs, and other education-related issues.
UBC Library
Research Tools –
Statistics –
The University of British Columbia’s education library website includes curriculum guides, lesson plans, recommended texts and resources, research tools and statistics. A valuable tool for journalists included in the site is a comprehensive list of education contacts both within the province and across Canada. The page also includes a link to the school’s Faculty of Education and its staff members, who are experts on various aspects of education.
Manitoba (6)
Manitoba Association of School Superintendents
A good website for education-related publications, papers and articles, albeit from a bureaucratic standpoint, concerning topics such as rural education. A calendar lists relevant conferences and events.
Manitoba Council for International Education
An umbrella organization of groups that have international study programs in Manitoba. The site purports to be a forum for sharing information about international education as well as facilitate relationships and marketing ventures amongst its members. The partisan site promotes international study in Manitoba and offers a list of organizations that provide that educational service.
Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth
Publications –
Policy & Planning –
Safe & Caring Schools –
A comprehensive site for the Manitoba educational system with information on the kindergarten to grade 12 school program. The site is complemented by information regarding aboriginal education, assessment and evaluation tests, policy and publications, curriculum and distance learning. Also available are student and professional learning resources, library information and a list of schools in Manitoba. Also present is a group of educational links for Manitoba education pertaining to an array of disciplines, projects and service areas. Worthy of mention is the “Safe and Caring Schools” section of the site, which contains information regarding safe schools (legislation, organizations and initiatives) as well as a bully awareness video challenge.
Innovative high school programs –
A web portal for youth of information regarding 200 services and programs offered by the government of Manitoba, this site also includes education information. The way in which the information is presented is obviously geared for a youth audience, but its lists of Manitoba’s universities, colleges, post-secondary programs and vocational opportunities may be of use to a more general audience. A short list of financial support programs are also profiled, as are educational programs for a range of ages. The site also contains an interesting sketch of unique programs offered at a number of Manitoban high-schools.
Province of Manitoba – Education
The website’s map for those settling in Manitoba includes an education section. Here, one can find guidance on elementary and secondary education, academic upgrading, post-secondary education and adult English as an additional language. The site also directs newcomers students in kindergarten to grade 12 to an information packet called “The Handbook for International Students: An Overview of Education in Manitoba.”
Towards an Understanding: Rural Education in Manitoba
A 24-page academic paper about current and historical rural education in Manitoba, paying specific attention to the importance of education to rural residents, the decline of agricultural activity and changes in demographics, the needs of the community and the role and responsibilities of rural schools, issues of funding, statistics for training and post-secondary education since 1960, and problems with teacher turnover.
New Brunswick (3)
District Education Councils of New Brunswick
Resource Centre –
Links –
District Education Councils, who are made up of volunteers, were first created in the province in 2001. Their website includes a list of members, links to the various school districts and contact information for the program administrator. A good resource for journalists who want an alternative, non-government expert on education in the province.
New Brunswick Department of Education
Publications –
News –
Education Pathfinder –
New Brunswick’s Department of Education website is the most comprehensive resource for information on education in the province. It includes a directory of staff, services, and contact information as well as the latest news, publications and policies. The links section of the webpage is an education pathfinder in itself, with links to provincial, national and international education sites.
New Brunswick Public Schools
This website outlines in detail the public education system in the province of New Brunswick. It provides links to schools (including an adult learning school and an alternative high school), information on curriculum and testing, board of education meeting agendas and minutes, and current construction projects within the public school system. Also includes a detailed district phone list with hundreds of phone numbers of education staff members, including the superintendent and local psychologists.
Newfoundland and Labrador (3)
Christian Home Educators of Newfoundland and Labrador (CHENL)
News and Events –
The CHENL is an organization that provides support for home educators in Newfoundland and Labrador. This website includes links to news and events, detailed contact information including a telephone number, and an FAQ section that provides answers to some basic questions about home-based education.
Education – Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada
Links –
Education News Archive –
The government of Newfoundland and Labrador’s education website includes detailed information on all levels of education in the province, including early childhood education and adult learning. There are also easy-to-find links to the minister’s office, news releases, publications, and a telephone directory. The directory includes links to a variety of schools, from native schools and hospital schools to the Newfoundland School for the Deaf. This site is an excellent resource for journalists who need to find out more about education in Newfoundland and Labrador.
K-12 Internet On-ramp
List of Schools –
This site provides an organized list of many of the province’s schools, along with quick links to each of the school’s websites. Visitors can also search listings for private and alternative schools. A good resource for journalists looking to contact a particular school or school district quickly.
Northwest Territories (3)
Northwest Territories – Education, Culture and Employment
Publications –
List of schools –
A breadth of educational knowledge for matters concerning the Northwest Territories that span a variety of levels, from pre-school to post-secondary learning, this site covers topics such as assessment and evaluation, curriculum, adult literacy and childcare providers. The website also incorporates culture and heritage and provides links to administrative aspects such as information networks, management services and planning and policy. Though news releases are moderately old, its list of schools is relatively up to date.
NWT Teacher Induction
Culture-based education –
Inclusive schooling –
An induction program for beginner teachers to help facilitate the new teacher’s transition into the school and their understanding of the culture and community with which they will be working. There are professional advice sections that detail aspects and tips for creating positive classroom environments, creating teaching materials and student evaluation, as well as advice for the first day of school and for planning your arrival into the community. Finally, the site outlines the expectations involved with cultural-based education and provides a checklist for teachers in cross-cultural schools.
Universities and Colleges in Nunavut, NWT, Yukon
This site offers links to several of the territories’ institutions of higher learning, including Aurora College, University of the Arctic and Yukon College.
Nova Scotia (3)
Government of Nova Scotia – Education
Contacts and Related Links –
The government of Nova Scotia’s official education website provides information on all levels of learning in the province, including adult education and apprenticeship and skill training. It also provides links to the latest education news in the province, as well as a detailed list of contacts. A media room can be found on the website’s homepage, which links journalists with the department of education’s communications office, the latest news releases, and related statistical information.
Nova Scotia: Canada’s Education Province
This website provides a comprehensive look at education in Nova Scotia. From the history of education in the province to the economic benefits of going to school in the province, the site provides access to a variety of information. Links to Nova Scotia’s universities, community colleges, high schools, and private language schools are also available.
Nova Scotia – Education: Come to Learn
Nova Scotia Pathfinder on Education –
This website includes articles and blogs about education in Nova Scotia, but its most valuable resource is a comprehensive list of more than 60 websites (a Nova Scotia pathfinder on education) with topics ranging from international credentials, student loans and comparing the costs of universities to finding schools, alternative education and employment in the education field.
Nunavut (3)
Bilingual Education Strategy for Nunavut: 2004-2008
A government strategy by the territory’s department of education is a good backgrounder on bilingual education in Nunavut in terms of community planning, accountability and curriculum.
Department of Nunavut – Education
Community Access Program –
Multi-lingual publications –
Available in several languages, this governmental webpage contains general information regarding the school system in Nunavut. There are sections for students, parents, teachers, early childhood education, programs and initiatives, curriculum, and adult learning. The site also proffers insight on the Community Access Program, an initiative to get public Internet access, as well as a selection of income-support programs.
Nunavut Arctic College
Nunavut’s only post-secondary institute, its basic website details the college’s programs and provides information concerning admission and registration, and financial and student services. Like most post-secondary institutions there are different sections for students and staff.
Ontario (9)
Canada Connects on eLearning and Education
An online magazine touting national stories of eLearning and distance education. Article topics include rural and northern education, online training for disabled adults and a number of pages concerning on distance and online medical education.
Ontario (Continued)
Education at Work Ontario
Run by the Canadian Association for Co-operative Education, the site grants users
information regarding co-ops for both individuals and employers: what are co-ops, how to
decide whether or not an establishment needs co-op students and what the benefits of doing
so are. Furthermore, the roles and responsibilities of co-op students, schools and employers
are detailed, as is tax information. Finally, a notice board and search option for co-op
programs are available.
e-Learning Ontario
Ontario Educational Resource Bank –
Policy –
An extension of the Ministry of Education website, this site presents teachers with a realm
to exchange ideas and offers courses to learners across the province. With detailed
descriptions of available courses for students, there is also a wealth of resources for
teachers, such as lesson plans, student activities, and multimedia objects that are
grade-specific, correspond to the curriculum and are offered in a variety of online formats.
Finally, reports and government positions on e-learning are also available.
Francophones in Ontario – Education
Statistical profiles –
Publications –
Part of a larger site detailing a statistical profile of Francophones in Ontario, the
education section of this government website gives a short comparison between Francophones and the rest of Ontarians regarding education levels and major field of study.
Government of Ontario – Education
Research in education –
Education facts –
Funding –
School & School Board search –
Safe Schools program –
This site is a portal to the government branches of the Ministry of Education and the
Ministry of Training, College & Universities. The former contains government documents,
policy, reports and resources concerning the public education system. The site has special
sections for teachers, students and administrators, and parents and allows parents to access
subject descriptions for each grade and how parents can get involved or how they can take
advantage of alternative education programs. Information about testing, funding, policy,
school boards and administration is available, as well as an online copy of the Ontario
Education Act.
The latter website has a number of resources for residents interested in furthering their
education or skills training, whether that be through university, college or apprenticeship.
With enrichment and summer programs, as well as links to financial assistance and language
bursary programs, the site provides relevant information for students.
Both sites yield FAQ sections, news updates, recent publications and general information
regarding each ministry.
Ontario Catholic Education Communication Network
A web-portal which offers users a variety of links concerning Catholic education in Ontario.
Links to sites include the curriculum cooperatives for different regions and associations
for catholic teachers, parents, supervisors, school business officials and trustees.
Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto
Academic research –
One of Canada’s most well-regarded centres for the study of education, the OISE site
presents an outline of the school’s Master’s, doctoral, continuing ed and teacher-education
programs. For scholarly interest, please consult the site’s research section which puts
forward academic papers on topics related to education.
People for Education
2007 Annual Report –
Newsletter –
An independent, parent-led school association that grew to a provincial organization, People for Education has a staff of six who do research for the province’s English, French and Catholic schools. It has hundreds of volunteers across the country and as a result, the site yields and excellent plethora of documentation on topics such as northern schools, funding, school-size and enrolment, phys-ed, fundraising, English as a second language, and the arts. Of specific interest are the association’s annual reports (available beginning in 2006) that highlight statistics and concerns and make recommendations. Newcomers’ Guide to Education
For newcomers in Ontario, this site offers a thorough overview of the province’s public
education system in 18 different languages. Such seeming basics as report cards, school
procedures, getting your child ready for school are complemented by more complicated
subjects, such as learning English, education policies and provincial testing. Also
available is information on the Settlement Workers in Schools (SWIS), which helps newcomers that have unresolved settlement needs. Moreover, there are multi-lingual videos on newcomer high-school students, parent-teacher interviews, dressing for winter and the library system.
Prince Edward Island (3)
Listings P.E.I. – Education
This listing of education-related websites includes topics from community colleges and
home-based programs to language and music. It also provides links to volunteer organization
working to enhance education in the province, including the P.E.I. volunteers for literacy.
Prince Edward Island – Education
Ministry Information –
The government of Prince Edward Island’s education website provides links to recent news
releases on education in the province, as well as contact information for the education
minister and deputy minister. Its most valuable resource is an index of programs and
services that includes dozens of links to sites on education-related topics in the province.
Included in the research and evaluation section are statistics and reports and publications
related to education.
University of Prince Edward Island Faculty of Education
Faculty –
The university’s faculty of education website lists current experts in the education field,
as well as their interests and specialties, which is a valuable resource for journalists
wishing to contact an expert in the province. It also includes a comprehensive list of
resources and links to research and statistical information on education in Prince Edward
Island and throughout Canada.
Quebec (5)
Federation des CEGEPS
FAQ (en francais) –
A French website with limited information in English that details education at the college
level, in the general and vocational colleges called CEGEPs. Information available in
English includes summarized information about CEGEPs, brief numerical information regarding programs and staff. However, in French, this site provides a comprehensive view of the
goals and functions of the federation and its administrative members, a list of the CEGEP
institutions and their mailing addresses, legislation, media information, publications and
planned special events.
Immigration – Quebec, Education
Quebec-specific information for immigrants and refugees with practical education information
regarding French-language programs and exercises, registering children in daycare, applying
for school admission, and acquiring comparative evaluations for learning done outside of
Quebec, as well as the necessary forms to do so.
Minister of Education, Leisure and Sport – Quebec
Contains information regarding the French Language Act and who qualifies for
English-language study in Quebec. Also contains provincial results for testing and
graduation rates by school board and a number of publications regarding curriculum,
administration, plans of action, and legislation. Of specific interest are the collections
of statistics and reports contained within the website. Also available is detailed
information and evaluation of the province’s Wellness-Oriented School Program and its
Homework Assistance Program.
Quebec Education Act
An unofficial online version of the Quebec Education Act.
Quebec International – Education
Provincial site for internationals wishing to study in Quebec. Contains information on the
different levels of Quebec’s education system (from pre-school to CÉGEP to university),
procedures to study in Quebec, the cost, available assistance programs, student exchange
programs and links to Quebec’s universities and colleges.
Saskatchewan (2)
Government of Saskatchewan – Learning
The government of Saskatchewan’s education website highlights the latest education news in
the province and provides in-depth information on programs (including special education and
alternative education), services and provincial legislation. The site also includes a
publications centre with links to hundreds of education-related publications which are
organized by topic. Contact information for Saskatchewan’s department of learning is also
This website provides an extensive list of both the public and private school divisions in
the province of Saskatchewan, including independent, French language, and faith-based
divisions. Each of the division pages provides links to all of the division’s schools, some
of which have websites of their own. This site is a valuable resource for journalists
looking to contact a particular school, or type of school, in the province.
Yukon (2)
Yukon Education Student Network
First Nations education –
Yukon School calendar –
With a list of rural and urban elementary and high-schools, a detailed list of curriculum
and teacher resources, and links to other relevant Yukon education sites, YES Net is a very
useful site. The site also yields a calendar of events and links to different programs and
activities being run by schools across the territory. A Student Lounge section allows kids
a bit of fun while providing them with pertinent information and web-links to interesting
learning material. Also very helpful are the site’s resources to First Nations education,
with issues such as special education, programs, funding, cultural inclusiveness and
research and publications.
Yukon Government – Department of Education
The Yukon’s Department of Education website is quite basic, but acts as an excellent web-map to topics of interest that fall under the categories of program & services or branches
(public school, education services and advanced education). Specific programs or services
that may be of interest are apprenticeship and tradesperson training, literacy programs,
school bussing, school councils and a variety of financial items including financial
assistance programs and community training funds. | |
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