Toronto city councillor Doug Ford spoke on AM640’s the John Oakley Show today about Canada Day, Pride, his time at the cottage, and, what else, the Toronto Star.

Needless to say, after the Toronto Star showed up on his cottage doorstep, Ford isn’t any more impressed with the paper than he ever was. Here’s how he responded when Oakley asked what he made of the Star paying him a visit:

“Well you know something the Toronto Star, as far I’m concerned, they practice Soviet-era journalism. For them to show up at our cottage and start interrogating [my] daughter, because Rob and I were up in Huntsville … wanting to know where he was, what store he was in in Huntsville, was totally unacceptable. They’re the only media outlet that bothered us all weekend and it’s no surprise. We just do not see eye-to-eye with the Toronto Star whatsoever. They’re a bunch of socialists as far as I’m concerned.”

Ford went on to say the Star is also the most ruthless newspaper in the country.

What do you think? Was showing up at the cottage fair game?