Docs too hot to handle?

It seems some docs are a little too hot for the Harper government. Citing an infestation of “highly ideological individuals exposing their agendas,” Kory Teneycke, the PM’s press secretary, explained why funding for Hot Doc’s international marketing support is about to end, along with a running tally of cultural cuts that stood at seven federal programs as of August 15.  “I was surprised the Government of Canada was still following my career,” responded filmmaker Avi Lewis in a Toronto Star commentary.

To learn more about the Trade Route funding that benefited Hot Docs, J-Source visited, the government’s web portal for information about culture in Canada – only to find the site has been cancelled, too! But no need to panic: Teneycke stated that support for culture hasn’t dimmed. We can rest assured documentary filmmaking displaying ‘appropriate’ Canadian subjects will continue. Maple syrup, anyone?

(Image: cover of the The Take, directed by Avi Lewis)